JSC Knife #354(b) - Animals of the Wood

Animals of the Wood

Animals of the Wood An exclusive all-round Nordic hunting and fishing knife in black and white horn. 23 cm. long. The task was to create a knife for all-round use, one that would be practical while also providing a sense of beauty. I placed slices of bronze and aluminum with some additional file-work between the […]

JSC Knife #309(a) - Two-tone Buffalo

Two-tone Buffalo

Two-tone Buffalo The goal of this two-tone hunting knife was to showcase how a unique white and black color scheme could create a beautiful and traditional Samic-inspired knife. The initial challenges were to create all the curves in an identical shape for all materials, and to avoid any visible glue connections during the assembly process. […]

JSC Knife #304(e) - Scrimshaw Deer

Scrimshaw Deer

Scrimshaw Deer The custom Scrimshaw Deer hunting knife was a unique challenge; merging the distinct materials of buffalo and mammoth with the forged steel blade made by skilled craftsman Mattias Styrefors from Sweden. The goal was to create a cohesive overall design expressed in a practical hunting tool. The idea for a scrimshaw design came […]