JSC Knife #444(bR) - Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey A knife with scrimshaw, simple design choices, and finger stop. Total length 23 cm. Inspired by a day observing birds of prey in flight, this particular knife captures the majestic beauty of two feathered friends: the red kite and the lanner falcon. Each bird is intricately detailed on white reindeer horn, with […]

JSC Knife #443(dR) - The Native Americans

The Native Americans

The Native Americans A knife with scrimshaw design and integrated finger stop. Total length 23 cm. Inspired by the beauty of the animal kingdom, I ventured into capturing the essence of humankind through scrimshaw. This new design marks a significant evolution, featuring a meticulously crafted knife that showcases scrimshaw based on a photograph of two […]

JSC Knife #441(bR) - The Cousins

The Cousins

The Cousins An elegant knife kept in black and white with intricate scrimshaw inspired by the wild fish of Jutland. Total length: 24 cm. Knife number 441 – The Cousins – illustrates the harmony of nature. The silver insert, inspired by the cool waters of the north, creates a striking contrast against the rich dark […]

JSC Knife #369(b) - The Trophy

The Trophy

The Trophy A medium size hunting knife decorated with two scrimshaw images framed by two pieces of reindeer horn with file work. 23 cm. long. For a long time I had avoided trying my hand at making scrimshaw in color. But curiosity won me over: it was going to be now or never. The drawings […]